· 1 min read
The Synchonized 3 Man Squad +/-1
I have come to the belief that 3 people working on a particular micro-service/micro frontends/unit is the most optimal.
Small teams are more effective than larger teams. Keeping a large team in sync is hard.
They have to be dedicated to a single MS/MF because the cost of bringing someone later makes the project delay more.
1 man isn’t enough because they’ll have too much freedom/dependency. Code would be written in such a way that only 1 person knows.
2 is good. It helps in synchronization.
3 is perfect. It’s a synchronized and shared workload. If a person is on leave, 2 can manage easily.
4 is the upper limit. This is a warning zone. Though it may be perfect is project requires a lot of support. But if the project requires a lot of support, it may mean that it isn’t designed well.
More than 4: You have spaghetti. Shortcuts. People doing their own things. High communication bottlenecks.
The idea for this post was developed while talking to my friend Austin Lewis