· 2 min read
Clean Code
constructing the simplest possible code that would solve your problem resulting in an increase in productivity by producing higher quality in less time.

I’m not a great programmer; I’m just a good programmer with great habits
~Kent Beck (Creator of Extreme Programming)
I started writing this as a single post but the number of paragraphs much so like any good programmer I decided to release in chunks.
These come from a series of notes I took since I was in college.
The attributions are lose. I did not think about writing a post while taking notes.
I will do by best to find the authors and link to their work when I find them any time in the future. Most of these came for searching for keywords like “clean code {language}”.
Some ideas I found while experimenting on my own.
Usually building a software looks like this
You start small. But by the time you reach halfway, it becomes chaotic.
Reading vs Writing Code
While coding we spend more time reading the existing code than writing the code. We can estimate the ratio to be something like 10:1.
Most of the time you are more likely to modify and improve your code than to produce a new functionality.
For something we spend the most time on, it is very important that we make the process of reading and understanding our code easier for ourselves and other developers.
Why do we write bad code?
Work needed to be done fast
Tired of project/work
Requirement changed
WE — Developers
Work, for now, will clean up later
If we don’t follow good coding guidelines, we risk initial coding speed for long term code quality and productivity.
Usually, once you start on a path you are more likely to continue on the same path.
What is Clean code?
Constructing the simplest possible code that would solve your problem.
Problems become easier to solve since code is modular.
Less time is wasted on maintenance since lines of code are less.
Ideas are more clearly communicated.
Unit Test cases are much smaller and easier to write.
Making changes is much faster.
Pleasing to your eyes 👀.
More posts in this series
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