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Ideal Development Workflow

From card picking to release

From card picking to release

Photo by AltumCode on Unsplash

This is a value-stream mapping exercise in an effort to reduce cognitive overload and enable continous improvement.

Ideally, all these steps can be columns on a Kanban Board.

graph TD
    subgraph BDD
    A[1. Read BDD specifications related to the card] --> B
    B[2. Update specifications]

    subgraph Planning
    B --> planCommits
    planCommits[3. Plan with atomics commits] --> estimateCommits
    estimateCommits[4. Estimate each commit time with POMODOROs] --> estimatePlannedFinishDate
    estimatePlannedFinishDate[5. Add planned finished date the card]

    estimatePlannedFinishDate --> |move card| pomodoro

    subgraph code[TDD with Pomodoro]
    pomodoro[6. Remove all distractions and start pomodoro session] --> tdd
    tdd[7. start incrementally with TDD and commit/push each atomic commit]--> pomodoro

    tdd --> |development done| deploy
    deploy[8. Deploy feature on environment and move card] --> pullRight
    pullRight[9. Pull right the card till Accepted]
  1. Clear Local
    1. Clean up your space.
    2. Commit everything you
  2. BDD Cycle
    1. Read BDD specifications related to the card
    2. Update specifications
    3. NEW #Collaboration: Connect with Product or QA person to get specs verified.
  3. Planning
    1. Break down card into atomic commits
    2. Estimate each commit with pomodoros
    3. Add planned finish date to the card
    4. NEW #Collaboration: Discuss your plan with a team mate to help identify potential risks and pitfalls.
  4. Coding
    1. Remove all distractions
    2. Move card to In-progress lane
    3. Start the pomodoro timer
    4. Start working incrementally with TDD. Commit and push non-stop.
  5. Release
    1. Manually deploy if there is no CD pipeline
    2. Pull card towards right until accepted
    3. At end of each day, fill in card timesheet activity.
  6. Review
    1. NEW #Collaboration: Present your code for code-review to a team make.

Using the above list I created a template in SwiftEnterprise by Digite, so that the whole team can use it.

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