· 5 min read

How short, clean and clear can we write Java?

Thoughts on making Java clear and precise

Our code is pretty big, even though in reality they only do a small thing.

I have realized there are two main reason why our codebases are bloat, boilerplate and long variable names.

I have come to a belief that a knowledge of what a mid sized company’s codebase can be merged into a single book.

I’ll explain how I came to that conclusion and as you’ll see I’m pushing things to their limit but I think it’s doable. In the end this kind of leads to a DSL of sorts.

The aim is to reduce number of characters not just number of line.

Sample Code

Assume this frictional example.

public class OrderService {
 private final PaymentService paymentService;
 private final OrderRepository orderRepository;
 private final OrderMapper orderMapper;

 public OrderService(
  PaymentService paymentService,
  OrderRepository orderRepository.
  TransactionTemplate transactionTemplate,
  OrderMapper orderMapper
  this.paymentService = paymentService;
  this.orderRepository = orderRepository;
  this.orderMapper = orderMapper;

 public OrderResponse processOrderPayment(OrderId orderId, UserId userId, int amount){

  final Optional<Payment> recentPayment = paymentService.getRecentPayment(userId, amount);

   throw new NoPaymentException("...message...");

  final Order order = orderRepository.findById(orderId)
   .orElseThrow(()-> new NotFoundException("Assume a message"));


  final Order savedOrder = orderRepository.save(order);

  return orderMapper.map(savedOrder);

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Simple Lombok Optimizations

Some of these are common knowledge.

Instead of manual constructor we’d use @RequiredArgsContructor

Instead of variable declaration by type we’d val. We could have used java’s var if we didn’t want to use final

public class OrderService {
 private final PaymentService paymentService;
 private final OrderRepository orderRepository;
 private final OrderMapper orderMapper;

 public OrderResponse processOrderPayment(OrderId orderId, UserId userId, int amount){

  val recentPayment = paymentService.getRecentPayment(userId, amount);

   throw new NoPaymentException("...message...");

  val order = orderRepository.findById(orderId)
   .orElseThrow(()-> new NotFoundException("Assume a message"));

  val savedOrder = orderRepository.save(order);

  return orderMapper.map(savedOrder);

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More Lombok Optimizations

Note how we always use private final. We could remove it useing an experimentatl lombok feature. @FieldDefaults.

By default the fieldsDefault is declared like this

@FieldDefaults(access=PRIVATE, makeFinal=true)
public class OrderService

but we can add it to our lombok properties to always make access private and final true


Finally it’ll look like this

public class OrderService {
 PaymentService paymentService;
 OrderRepository orderRepository;
 OrderMapper orderMapper;

 public OrderResponse processOrderPayment(OrderId orderId, UserId userId, int amount){

  val recentPayment = paymentService.getRecentPayment(userId, amount);

   throw new NoPaymentException("...message...");

  val order = orderRepository.findById(orderId)
   .orElseThrow(()-> new NotFoundException("Assume a message"));

  val savedOrder = orderRepository.save(order);

  return orderMapper.map(savedOrder);

Line count : characterCount

JPA Optimization

We have opened up a transactional.

The way spring works if we have a Transactional, we don’t need to call save explicitly because …

So we can remove one more line

public class OrderService {
 PaymentService paymentService;
 OrderRepository orderRepository;
 OrderMapper orderMapper;

 public OrderResponse processOrderPayment(OrderId orderId, UserId userId, int amount){

  val recentPayment = paymentService.getRecentPayment(userId, amount);

   throw new NoPaymentException("...message...");

  val order = orderRepository.findById(orderId)
   .orElseThrow(()-> new NotFoundException("Assume a message"));


  return orderMapper.map(order);

Line count : characterCount

Static Imports

Note how we always use Preconditions. to use the static method we can use notNull directly with static import.

Also, not how we used recentPayment.isEmpty(). This is not needed. we could just ise orElseThrow

public class OrderService {
 PaymentService paymentService;
 OrderRepository orderRepository;
 OrderMapper orderMapper;

 public OrderResponse processOrderPayment(OrderId orderId, UserId userId, int amount){

  paymentService.getRecentPayment(userId, amount).orElseThrow(()-> new NotFoundException("...message...");

  val order = orderRepository.findById(orderId)
   .orElseThrow(()-> new NotFoundException("...message..."));


  return orderMapper.map(order);

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Lombok Extension Method

Note how we have a duplicate orElseThrow line?

.orElseThrow(()-> new NotFoundException("...message...")

What if we could extend Optional and have method orThrowNotFound()

Optional is a final method so we can’t extend it. But Lombok has a ExtensionMethod which allows us to add a method to exiting class.

In reality, it’ll just some lombok magic.

Assume class

class CustomExtension {

 public <T> T orThrowNotFound(Optional<T> optional){
  return optional.orElseThrow(()-> new NotFoundException("...message...")

 public int checkPositive


Using the extension

public class OrderService {
 PaymentService paymentService;
 OrderRepository orderRepository;
 OrderMapper orderMapper;

 public OrderResponse processOrderPayment(OrderId orderId, UserId userId, int amount){

  paymentService.getRecentPayment(userId, amount).orThrowNotFound();

  val order = orderRepository.findById(orderId)


  return orderMapper.map(order);

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I like chaining.

public class OrderS {
 PaymentService paymentService;
 OrderRepository orderRepository;
 OrderMapper orderMapper;

 public OrderResponse processOrderPayment(OrderId orderId, UserId userId, int amount){

  paymentService.getRecentPayment(userId, amount).orThrowNotFound();

  val order = orderRepository.findById(orderId)

  return orderMapper.map(order);

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How far can you take abbreviations

We have a habit of writing long names.

  • If Entity is Movie
  • ⁠We’ll write MovieRepository
  • ⁠MovieService
  • ⁠MovieController

If something is so repeated, why not use abbreviations? Why not just?

  • Movie -> Remains Movie
  • ⁠MovieRepository -> MovieRepo -> MovieR
  • ⁠MovieService -> MovieS
  • ⁠MovieController -> MovieCtr -> MovieC
public class OrderService {
 PaymentS paymentS;
 OrderR orderR;
 OrderM orderM;

 public OrderRes processOrderPayment(OrderId orderId, UserId userId, int amount){
  paymentS.getRecentPayment(userId.nn(), amount.positive()).orThrowNotFound();

  val order = orderR.findById(orderId.nn())

  return orderM.map(order);

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Custom Dynamic Proxy

public class OrderService {
 PaymentS paymentS;
 OrderR orderR;
 OrderM orderM;

 public OrderRes processOrderPayment(OrderId orderId, UserId userId, @Positive int amount){
  paymentS.getRecentPayment(userId, amount).orThrowNotFound();

  val order = orderR.findById(orderId)

  return orderM.map(order);

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Custom Repository Wrapper

public class OrderService {
 PaymentS paymentS;
 OrderR orderR;
 OrderM orderM;

 public OrderRes processPayment(OrderId orderId, UserId userId, @Positive int amount){
  paymentS.getRecentPayment(userId, amount).get();

  val order = orderR.byId(orderId)

  return orderM.map(order);

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We pushed the limits there of what was possible with java and lombok.

In practice, I would use @FieldsDefaults and @ExtensionMethod in production code since they are an experimental lombok feature.

But I would use them to improve test classes.

Also, it’s worth checking out: https://github.com/peichhorn/lombok-pg

Also, using

What do you think?


private static yuck replaced with Lombok’s FieldDefaults

We do now use lombok’s @Getter @Setter often.

for variable declaration always val or var.



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