· 1 min read
Template for Gherkin Specs
@tagPlaceholder1 @tagPlaceholder2
Feature: A new feature
Author - Ankush #this is the main person who write is specs
Dislaimer - This spec is complete, to the best of my knowledge, but if I forgot something, please tell me.
Amigos -
Developers - Team Name (Members participating)
QA -
Product -
Designer -
Estimated Release Date - 12/3
Open Issues -
Side Note -
Personas (if needed) - - User
Age -
Background -
Mock UI - NA
Card Number - NA
Technical Note - NA
Testing Note - NA
Marketing Note - NA
Doc Team Note - NA
Given {past tense}
When {present tense}
Then {future tense}
More Resources to check out to update this article:
A practical guide to writing technical specs - Stack Overflow Blog