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Blind 75 - Merge Two-Sorted Lists

Iterate over both and store minimum one in current; Increment in the list from where minimum came. Once one of the lists is empty, empty the other one.


Given two linked lists merge them into one sorted list.



Unoptimized Solution: O(n) time complexity: Space: O(1)

Lines of code 38

Iterate over both and store minimum one in current; Increment in the list from where minimum came. Once one of the lists is empty, empty the other one.

This solution is highly unoptimized.

    public ListNode mergeTwoLists(ListNode list1, ListNode list2) {
        ListNode head = null;
        ListNode current = null;
        while(list1!=null && list2!=null){
            ListNode minimum = null;
            if(list1.val < list2.val){
                minimum = list1;
                list1 = list1.next;
            } else{
                minimum = list2;
                list2 = list2.next;
            if(head == null){
                head = minimum;
                current = minimum;
            current.next = minimum;
            current = current.next;
        ListNode remaining = list1!=null? list1: list2; 
        while(remaining!=null){ // this iteration is unneccessary
            if(current == null){
                current = remaining;
                head = remaining;
            } else {
                current.next = remaining;
                current = current.next;
            remaining = remaining.next;
        return head;

Optimized solution

Java - LeetCode Discuss

Lines of code: 16

    public ListNode mergeTwoLists(ListNode list1, ListNode list2) {
        ListNode preHead = new ListNode(-1);
        ListNode current = preHead;
        while(list1!=null && list2!=null){            
            if(list1.val < list2.val){
                current.next = list1;
                list1 = list1.next;
            } else{
                current.next = list2;
                list2 = list2.next;
            current = current.next;
        current.next = list1!=null? list1: list2;
        return preHead.next;

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