· 2 min read

Defining Scopes for your OAuth Service


Here’s my thinking on how we should design scopes for OAuth. And how many a proper REST API could simplify the process.

In a rest API, we have resources. Our resources are usually accessed with just a noun.


GET /movies to get all movies

GET /movies/{movieId} to get a specific movie

PUT /movies to modify a movie

POST /movies to add a new movie

DELETE /movies/{movieID} to delete a movie

Our Outh scopes are a restriction on resources

so, we would have scopes for movies resource.

We can append this with the kind of method that can be run on the resource.

For example:

read:movies -> allows GET calls on /movies REST API resource

write:movies → allows POST calls on the /movies resource.

read:userinfo → allows GET calls on the /userinfo resource

When the app is submitted to our “App Store“, the app developer declares an app, they are using a particular scope.

For example, let’s say an App that shows user recommendations has asked for read:movies, write:movies and read:userinfo .

The app developer has declared why they use each of the scopes. While declaring, they decide they aren’t using the write:movies scope.

So, they remove it. Or while reviewing the app submission application, the App Store platform rejects the request for accepting write:movies and asks for more clarifications.

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