· 1 min read

Blind 75 - Reverse Bits

Get the last bit of value from the original. append to the reverse one. shift reverse one to the left. instead of adding, you can do `or` because after the shift last value will be 0. Imp - iterate 32 times only.


Reverse the binary int

Read this for java instruction: Link


O(1) time; O(1) space; 7 lines

Get the last bit of value from the original. append to the reverse one. shift reverse one to the left. instead of adding, you can do or because after the shift last value will be 0. Imp - iterate 32 times only.

    public int reverseBits(int n) {
        int rev = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
            rev = (rev << 1) + (n&1);
            n = n>>1;
        return rev;

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