· 1 min read
Stress is the root cause of all health problem. Fix it.
Identifying stress?
Stress can have serious effects on health.
- First digestive problems.
- Hormonal health.
- Pelvic health.
- Auto immune conditions
When you are stressed, your body sends blood to brain and legs. Fight or flight.
Therefore blood flows from other areas that are non essential to f or flught.
But if you are cronically stressed, this can have a huge effect on you.
If you are depressed, imagine what a depression person looks like and what he does. Then do everything opposite.
What to do when you are stressed?
Take a step back and go for a walk
Take a step back and breathe slowly and deeply
Realise that you are most likely okay.
Hungry? Sleepy? Etc
If you are having digestive problems. Sit in the toilet for live a lot of hours until that stomach gets cleared.
When you exercise, feel that area where you feel stress.