Ankush's Guide to

Clean Code

Creating the cleanest codebase for you and your teams.
This series is currently in progress

Statistics about the series


Getting Started

Clean Code

Clean Code

constructing the simplest possible code that would solve your problem resulting in an increase in productivity by producing higher quality in less time.

Flat is better than nested

Leave when not okay

Avoid creating god classes and long methods


Avoid inventing algorithms and data structures

especially for maths

Remove un-necessary code

You ainโ€™t gonna need it

Exception handling

and Logging with style

Leave it better than you found it

Atomic Habits applied to code. Thanks James Clear.

Clean Code Resources and Tools

Constructing the simplest possible code

Art of Reducing Lines of Code in Java/Spring Boot


Quick Refactoring Tips


Tips for working with `package.json`


Make your code configurable.

Things that should take 0 coding effort

Writing better commit with conventional commits


Writing cleaner logs by Disabling Stack Trace for Expected Response Exceptions


Writing better commits with Atomic Commits

Writing better commits with Atomic Commits

Why small frequent commits leads to higher productivity

Leave Clues

Comments and Naming Conventions

Code Reviews and Pair Programming


A responseType field for all response classes

A responseType field for all response classes

Practical Chaos Engineering Part 1

Making Object Immutable for Concurrency

Making Object Immutable for Concurrency

It's best to start with immutable objects and then modify them if needed.

Separate Technical Code From Domain Code in both Frontend and Backend

Separate Technical Code From Domain Code in both Frontend and Backend

Separate out technical code from business/domain logic for extreme reusability for code.

How to develop a robust plugin architecture?

How to develop a robust plugin architecture?


Keeping database simple

Keeping database simple


Why do microservices need an API client sdk for HTTP and Messaging?

Why do microservices need an API client sdk for HTTP and Messaging?


Writing Meaningful Log Messages


Code Review Checklist


Separating Connectors and Service (Business Logic) - A Key Principle for Service Reusability

Separating Connectors and Service (Business Logic) - A Key Principle for Service Reusability

Separating connectors from business logic in a service-oriented architecture promotes reusability and single responsibility.

Release and Development Snapshot Version Semantic Versioning with Maven
